Brand Designer + Strategist

FREE Brand Discovery Journal

Getting clarity around your personal brand makes the design and marketing phases much easier and sets you up for success.

You can download this resource and start diving into what makes you unique, authentic, and attractive to your ideal client.

My Story

I’m always diving into personal development, trying new things, working to eliminate the unnecessary, and learning. One thing I took away from my past is that whatever you do, you must have conviction and a good plan. It must be something you are willing to do even when the motivation is lacking because your purpose and mission are strong enough to pull you through. That’s what I needed most in my endeavors. That’s what I want for you.

I’ve spent over the last decade learning about business in’s and out’s. I worked in direct sales, been an entrepreneur, utilized social media, learned from masterminds, seminars, groups, networking events, books, podcasts and more. I’ve learned that so much of what encompasses a great and successful business is the heart they have for what they do, the way they present themselves, tell their story, and build trust.

Unfortunately, not all of us have the clarity and direction to plow forward. For those that have difficulty figuring out how to do this, I can understand. I’ve been a failure at this myself, but from those moments the greatest lessons are learned.

I do know that if you’re passionate about it, I want you to be successful! And to do that, you need a brand. Building a brand enables you to:

  • Be seen as the authority in your niche
  • Have a competitive edge
  • Get paid what you’re worth
  • Grow your reputation
  • Elevate your credibility

What I do:

Whether you are a in the thick of your business or just getting started. If you’re ready to enter a new market or grow in your current one, you want to leave a lasting impression on target audiences. I assist you in taking control over personal branding to gain more exposure, credibility, and opportunities so you can turn your brand into an income generating asset.

To cut the jargon, I kindly help you show off your best authentic qualities so that you can stand out to the people who will love doing business with you!

Brands are formed based on interactions and experiences that other people have with you, which creates a perception of who you are personally and/or professionally. Branding includes the visuals, a logo or tagline and so much more. Branding is about having a strong message, a clear vision and owning your unique style, product or service offering. Your brand encompasses everything that affects how people view and respond to you. It’s a story you tell constantly.

I’m here to help you tell your story and get others to read along!

Who I help:

I assist those whose aim is to improve and empower people’s lives through their mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Whether you are coaching, starting a non-profit, or offer a service, I can help you create a brand that authentically shines.

Your focus is using your zone of genius to enrich individuals, families, communities, and I’m the one who helps you get people’s attention and be remembered!

You have something to contribute to those around you and it’s my mission to work alongside you to bring your heart into your brand so that others can see and know you as the go-to for your solution.

Let’s stay connected, follow me @lauraglassdesigns

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